Instituto de Formación Democrática

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Information for Parents

We promise to challenge your son or daughter to to be the best possible writer and to help develop his or her creativity.

Moreso, we will help her or him become a critical thinker.

That's a pretty tall order, we know.

The purpose of Teen Voices of Democracy is to offer the nation's young writers an outlet for their free expression of views about democracy, voting and the the issues facing our society now and in the years to come.

Teen Voices of Democracy is closely affiliated with the nation's oldest and largest youth voter education project, the National Student/Parent Mock Election.

Bill Moyers, television commentator and former White House press secretary, said, "The quality of democracy and the quality of journalism are deeply entwined."

Teen Voices will stress two of those words: QUALITY and QUALITY.

Today's Technology

The vast majority of our contact with your son or daughter will be through computers and mobile phones. Almost all of the writing we will read and publish will originate with one or more of the social networks ... Twitter and YouTube.

When young writers send our editors something they have written, we will read it and respond to them to acknowledge what they have sent has been received and will be considered for publication on the network.

When our editors have questions about something that was submitted or would like to have an idea or opinion expanded, they will contact your son or daughter by E-mail or one of the social networks.

But what's in it for your son or daughter, beyond the immediate goal of having his or her writing published?

Career Opportunities

There are and always have been promising career opportunities for talented writers and critical thinkers.

The careers range from becoming a journalist, to being a teacher ... from becoming active in politics to being a leader in business and social services.

The two key skills that will be learned through Teen Voices of Democracy ... writing and critical thinking ... are lifetime skills.

Also, these are important talents that colleges look for as they decide whom to accept.

We hope you will contact us if you have questions about who we are and what we do.

Thank you for allowing your son or daughter be part of our network.

Content published on the Teen Voices of Democracy and Youth Issues Forum Web sites is based on work supported by a grant from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). Any opinion, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed on this Web site are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the EAC or the Institute of Democratic Education. Youth correspondents are encouraged to freely express their opinions and must abide by the guidelines posted on this Web site. Professional editors will monitor all submissions to assure they follow recognized journalistic standards and ethical codes before content appears on this Web site.